Free Educational Websites
If you want a fun and educational way to keep your scholar on their toes during the school year, try some of these interesting (and free!) websites:

- ABC YA: Practice math and reading skills while playing fun games
- Fun Brain: Play games while practicing math and reading skills
- Highlight Kids: Read, play games and conduct cool science experiments
- Into the Book: Explore books with games to practice reading strategies
- National Geographic for Kids: Learn all the world around us!
- PBS Kids: Hang out with all your favorite characters while learning
- Seusville: Read, play games and hang out with Dr. Seuss and friends
- StarFall: Practice phonics skills with these read along stories
- Story Online: Celebrities read stories out loud!
- Switcheroo Zoo: Watch, listen and play games to learn about amazing animals
Websites for Parents of Children with Special Needs
If you have children with special needs, these websites will provide you with helpful information on everything from finding health care, to summer camps and support networks for parents.

- Friendship Circle: Supportive network of parents of children with special needs
- National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Disabilities
- NYC Resources for Children with Special Needs
- New York State Directory for Children with Special Health Care Needs
- Special Needs Mom: Blog for parents to share their experiences